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Saturday, August 29, 2009


我说买KOKA的,因为没有Trans Fat

我说吃KOKA的,因为没有Added MSG



Tuesday, June 30, 2009


“dRagOn V”
a civilization that brings fear into humans mind, nobody knows where they come from and what their motive is. They only know: “Once you feel the strong wind from the east and the sky is getting darker, get back into your house! Don’t come out until the sky is clear blue again.” Yes, things that live in “dRagOn V” are nothing ordinary, although they look no different compare to the humans in daily basic or needs, but when they transform and approach you, you will scream your lung out. “Dragon” is what you will see after those “human” transform.

Birth of Acheron
Three hundreds years ago, there was one baby dragon came to this earth, “Acheron”
Acheron’s parents were so glad to have him, a beautiful baby. Only until the moment he opened his eyes, red, what Acheron’s parents could see is just red.

which can control lighting, fire and wind, have a common thing, they can come in different size, different skin colors but their eyes must be blue. Over four thousand years, dragons that live in “dRagOn V” share this common thing except Acheron. Elder in the “dRagOn V” said that dragon with red eyes is cursed and will bring disaster to the village.

Childhood of Acheron
Everyone in “dRagOn V” condemned Acheron including his parents, on the third day of his birth; Acheron was left alone in an abandon horse stable. (Dragons take 3 days to fully develop). He grew up alone in the stable 200 miles away from his house; he survived on rain water, dry grass and wild fruits. Once in a blue moon, his parents will came by and left him some dry food and hurried away from the stable. Everyday Acheron had to live in humiliation, suffered from all kinds of insult, but he doesn’t blame anyone, he always knows he is somehow different among the others apart from the red eyes.

During Acheron’s teenage time, he had never seen his parents coming for him. He spent most of his day in the jungle behind the stable, playing with the animals and exploring his “playground”. He had no one to talk to except the animals that live in the jungle, he felt more secure and peaceful when he is in the jungle. Acheron has a benevolent heart; he will be restless during the stormy night, because he knows he will be upset by the broken branch, injured animal and many will lose their life.

Acheron had spent his three hundred years in loneliness, not totally lonely but he never has a conversation with his own kind. He had gone through a lot, he know that he can only depend on himself. He knows that life is fragile; many things that happen in the world with no reason, just like his eyes

The world turned red and the adventure began
One day, he woke up and found that the sky turned red. He never sees the sky can be so red, like the blood scattered over the sky
He though the red sky is just a common sign that happened, but after 2 days, the sky was like never going back to normal, and he decided to go out to the world and see what happening.

Acheron took 15 days to get to the bottom of the mountain, its not that he can’t fly but he want to take a closer look at the place that he spend his three hundred year with. He have a feeling, he know that he will never ever come back to here again.
With this thought Acheron is very upset but he told himself, he has to be strong.
The world is so huge, definitely there’s one place that needs his presence.

An event that going to change his life happens right in front of his eyes. When he almost reached the end of the mountain path, he saw a young man, who does not smell like his kind walk towards him with tore and wore out clothing, seem like he is suffering from huge pain because the young man was struggling to continue his walk.

Acheron dashed forward to help him, the young man lifted up his head in shock and fears, when he saw that is a “human” who called him, the tension fade away. The young man must be very tired, once his guard is down, he fainted in Acheron arm.
Acheron accompanied the injured young man in a cave somewhere near the end of the mountain for 5 days. Finally the young man came back to his conscious, he must be very frightened, Acheron thought. Because in his dream, he keeps shouting: “Run! Run!
Get out of here.” and “Don’t… Don’t come near me… GO AWAY!!” There is also many burnt scar on the young man body, almost 60% of the body was burnt.

Acheron walked towards the young man with a bottle of morning dews, offered him to ease the thirst. Young man accepted the water with gratitude; Acheron could see it from his eye. When the young man was more settle down, Acheron helped him up and let him lie against a wall. Acheron started to ask what happened on him, at first the young man only introduces himself as “Hite”, son of a village head, but reluctant to tell Acheron what had happened to him. Acheron persuaded him to carry on, Hite started to tell him all that happen back in 17 days ago.

The evil that destroy the world
There was a “Nine-tail fire fox” invaded their village on the day that the world turned red, the fire fox is so huge that no one can fight against it in the village. Almost everything was destroyed in a night. He was hiding in a basement that has underground tunnel that can lead to a cave that hides behind a waterfall. He dare not leave the cave; he was there, hiding for 3days and night. Until he feels that there is no more burning smell and smoke then he walk out of the cave, planning to look for survivor but what he saw is only ashes.

Hite home has gone, the village has gone, there is nothing left except ashes and some struggling fire spout. He was near to breaking down, at this point he heard sound coming from behind, a creepy laugh that sound so familiar. Without turning his head back, he run at the fastest speed of his life, but fire fox still manage to get him burn with fire. Although he is badly injured, but he wanted to look for help, he wanted to revenge. So he depended on his determination and walked aimlessly until he met Acheron.

Acheron was in his deep thought after hearing what had happen on Hite, he was silenced for 5 minute and suddenly he look straight into Hite eyes and tell him, “I know why I am different from the others, I know why I have to leave my village. This is my destiny; this is my mission in life! Hite, I’ll revenge for you and your villager!” Hite was surprise, in his eyes, Acheron is around the same age as him, he looks very soft and he is really beautiful. So seriously Hite felt that Acheron says those words is just to comfort him, he gave Acheron a smile and thanks for his concern. Acheron saw the doubt in Hite eyes. So he help Hite out of the cave and put him down lying against the wall, he walk a distance away from Hite and start transforming, he told Hite not to worry, not to be afraid, he is not going to harm him but to prove to him that he can help Hite to revenge.

Hite cannot believe what he saw, Acheron transform into a dragon right in front of his eyes. Red eyes dragon, a huge dragon with wings and a pair of mysterious red eyes, Hite was stunt and speechless for a moment but his heart have over filled with joy when he know that he can finally had a chance destroyed the fire fox and revenge for his villager. Acheron transform back into human form and put out his hand, Hite put out his hand to hold tightly at Acheron hand. They come to a consensus that they will fight their live together against the evil fire fox.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Monday, December 15, 2008

Friday, November 30, 2007

new stuff, new look, new feeling

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I can't hide from my phone...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Friend just left me a testimonia say..

